25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

24. You have frequent headaches.

That intense pressure in your head? Blame it on your cold brew addiction. The combined effects of dehydration and increased blood pressure caused by too much coffee can do a number on your head, so before popping another pain reliever, which can hurt your liver or even cause you to have a heart attack, think about skipping that extra cup of Joe first.

25. Your mouth is dry.

If your mouth is as dry as the Sahara (and you’ve got the less-than-charming breath to go along with it), it’s time to step away from the Keurig. The dehydrating effects of caffeine over-consumption can lead to persistent dry mouth, and when combined with coffee’s enamel-eroding effects, can lead to serious tooth decay over time.

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