25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

6. You have shaky hands.

If you’ve noticed a sudden tremor in your hands, it might be time to revisit your coffee intake. Multiple studies have linked the consumption of caffeine to increased shakiness, so when you find yourself trembling for no particular reason, consider skipping the second (or third, or fourth) cup of coffee.

7. You’re always tired.

While coffee may initially give you a boost of energy, if you’re overdoing it, don’t be surprised when you feel wiped out afterward. Coffee interferes with the absorption of vitamin B1, otherwise known as thiamine, which can lead to fatigue. Worse yet, this symptom is often compounded by the insomnia coffee tends to provoke, leaving you in a seemingly never-ending cycle of sleepless nights.

8. Your insulin receptors are off-kilter.

A few extra cups of coffee a day could put your body in some serious trouble. “[Coffee] gets you going by increasing your blood sugar by releasing glucose,” explains Hundt. Over time, this can impair your body’s insulin receptors, meaning you no longer respond properly to the effects of insulin and may develop insulin resistance, potentially increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes in the long run.