25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

25 Subtle Signs You’re Drinking Way Too Much Coffee

11. You’re irritable.

That sudden urge to snap at your co-workers or your significant other? Blame it on those espresso shots you had this afternoon. Along with an increased predisposition to anxiety, too much coffee can make you irritable and prone to being short-tempered.

12. You’re nauseous.

That queasy feeling in your stomach just might stem from the extra cup of dark roast you snagged at Starbucks. The combination of increased blood pressure, dehydration, and caffeine’s high acidity level can wreak havoc on your stomach, making you feel queasy all day. “In higher doses, [coffee consumption] can progress to nausea,” says Dr. Christopher Hollingsworth, MD, of NYC Surgical Associates.

13. You have muscle cramps.

Your aching muscles might be more closely related to your drink of choice than your workout routine. Drinking too much coffee can impair your digestive tract’s ability to absorb magnesium, potentially leading to a deficiency. And one of the side effects of a magnesium deficiency? You guessed it: muscle cramps.