30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

21 The Commute

Just imagine how sweet it would be if you could get a text from a friend asking if you wanted to grab a drink and you could respond, “Yea! I’ll meet you in 10.” That’s a reality in many small towns, but in big cities, everyone is spread out all over the place. Which means that you often have a moment of truth where you have to evaluate how much you really love your friends and whether seeing them is really worth a 1.5 hour train ride there and a $50 cab back home.

22 The Garbage Man Alarm

Every morning at 7 am, even on Saturdays, the garbage truck comes by and the sanitation workers make an ungodly amount of noise as they hurl cans into the truck as though it were an Olympic sport. We thank them for their service because it’s a necessary and unpleasant job, but sometimes it really feels like they are just banging steel lids in your bedroom.

23 Walking in the Bike Lane

Again, this is not only rude, it’s also dangerous for you and the cyclist. Take a leaf out of the page of this little cyclist and follow the rules of the road.

24 Groups Who Take Up the Entire Sidewalk

It’s not just the tourists. It’s all well and good that you want to take your entire family, including your eight cousins, out for a nice dinner, but you can’t clog up the sidewalk when you do. There’s an unspoken rule that when there are more than three people walking on the street, the polite thing to do is to break up into groups of two.

25 Or People Who Block the Stairwell

It’s happened to the best of us: You’re about to head down to the subway, but your Metrocard is nowhere to be found. Suddenly you’re tossing through your purse searching for the tiny pass, but now you’re inadvertently blocking people from getting to the subway platform. It’s fine if you stop and search for something, but be mindful of the fact that other people need the stairwell too.