30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

11 Dog Poop—Everywhere

Most metropolitan areas threaten fines for not picking up after your dog, but that doesn’t stop people from leaving their pup’s poop on the sidewalk. One of the many rites of passage of a true urban resident is stepping in a pile of poop. And the worst part is that you can’t even always be sure whether it’s a dog’s or a human’s.

12 Never-Ending Grocery Lines

Step into a Trade Joe’s on a weekday after work and you’ll find lines as long as those at the Vatican. All you want is some zucchini and a couple of apples, why must you suffer an hour-long wait? At least all of that idle standing time is good for you, and provides you with an opportunity to catch up on your Tinder matches. Just make sure you familiarize yourself with these 20 Online Dating Terms Older People Don’t Know first.

13 6th-Floor Walk-Ups

Living in a charming old building that used to be a tenement house is every artist’s dream, but it comes with the significant drawback that most of these buildings don’t have elevators. Not only does that make moving in a major hassle (PIVOT!), it robs you of the relief you should feel when entering your building after a long day. Climbing up those steps can feel like hiking Mount Kilimanjaro over and over again, but, hey, at least it’s good exercise!

14 Tourists

Tourists manage to find something photographable at every corner, and they love to move through the most packed parts of the city at a leisurely pace, seemingly oblivious to the fact that some people have places to be. Plus, they’re also the ones most likely to carry giant backpacks on the subway.

15 Everything Is Dirty

When you see a stain on the sidewalk, it’s better to not ask yourself what it is. But between the garbage, the poop, the rats, the elephant graveyard of pizza crusts, the chewed-up gum on railings in train platforms, the receipts that people crumble up and discard wherever they please, and all of the other miscellaneous rubbish, it’s hard not to feel like you live in a maze filled with trash.