30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

30 Things That Always Annoy People in Cities

16 Mean Bus Drivers

Not only is the bus always late, but also bus drivers in big cities tend to be an especially cantankerous bunch. And train conductors usually wouldn’t win any awards for friendliness, either. Sometimes they close the doors of a train as soon as they see that another one has arrived across the platform, and you swear you can almost hear them gleefully cackling as the train rolls away.

17 Neighbors

In the suburbs, you’re likely to have a friendly relationship with your neighbors, and maybe even invite them over every so often for a beer or a barbecue. But humans were not meant to live on top of each other as they do in big cities. You can hear everything they do and vice versa. He hates that your dog barks when the doorbell rings, you hate that he just has to play guitar at 8 in the morning. It’s a recipe for disaster.

18 The Weather

Bad weather is a problem everywhere, but in the city, it makes life especially difficult because the already-terrible metro system gets even worse, and the people who would otherwise walk pack into it until it turns into a humid zombie movie. When it’s raining, every cab in the city is occupied, and waiting under the pouring rain for a bus that may or may not manifest feels like the seventh circle of Hades. The summer is no picnic either, since the aforementioned air pollution makes it feel hot and sticky, and you can really enjoy the various nuances of the odors around you.

19 People Who Text While They Walk

This is not only annoying for the people you bump into, but it’s also extremely dangerous.

20 People Who Play Music Out Loud

It’s like they don’t realize not everyone wants to listen to R. Kelly’s “Bump N Grind.”