You'll Smile All Day After Watching Netflix's Happiest Movies

You'll Smile All Day After Watching Netflix's Happiest Movies
No matter what kind of day you had, there is no reason you wouldn't want to add some extra smiles to your life, right? Well, we have just the solution for you: happy movies! From romantic comedies to just comedies and throwbacks to new releases, we scoped out a range of movies that are pretty much guaranteed to put a smile on your face. While some of them are great for a date night or girls' night in, others can be watched with little ones, too, who will probably make you smile even more by their reactions to the movies. Check out this list of some of the happiest movies you can stream on Netflix, and get ready to cheer the eff up.

1. Happy Gilmore


You can't watch Happy Gilmore without smiling. Between the fantasies, the outrageous scenarios, and the "happy" ending, you'll spend your time mostly laughing.



2. The 40-Year-Old Virgin


Guy friends, a quest to get laid, and a wax gone horribly right!? There is nothing about this movie that will turn that smile into a frown.


3. A Goofy Movie


A total throwback (don't tell me you don't still know the words to the Powerline song, we all know you do), this movie will bring you back to your childhood, capturing all the innocent smiles you once had. Bonus if you play it for the little ones in your life — you'll smile even more.

4. The Family Man


When Nicolas Cage is presented with the life he could have lived, he begins to change his ways. Funny and emotional, it will end with your heart feeling warmed.


5. Like Father


Netflix is really stepping up to the plate with some big stars! Kristen Bell and Kelsey Grammer star in this new movie about a father reconnecting with his daughter.