Why Every Orange Is the New Black Inmate Is in Prison

Why Every Orange Is the New Black Inmate Is in Prison

Leanne Taylor


In season three, it's revealed that Leanne had been part of an Amish community before she heads to Litchfield. She left her family and got into drugs with a bad crowd, but decided to return. She made the fatal mistake of leaving her backpack filled with incriminating stuff near the outskirts of the town, and the police hauled her in. Leanne made a deal, agreeing to turn on her old friends and wear a wire.

Norma Romano


As a young woman, Norma fell in love with a charismatic cult leader. Decades later, all his other wives had left him and she was the only one still standing. Though she was still optimistic about their potential, he screamed at her and insulted her intelligence. She promptly pushed him off a cliff, killing him.

Janae Watson


Watson was a talented track runner in high school, but her speed didn't make her very popular with boys. She was rejected by the cool crowd and started hanging out with some thugs. Together, they robbed a store and Watson was arrested when she purposely slowed down while running from the cops.

Gina Murphy


We don't know the details of Gina's crime, but it's been implied that murder and embezzlement play a part.

Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett


Pennsatucky is sent to Litchfield for shooting an abortion-clinic worker. Though it's assumed this is because of her serious religious beliefs, it's revealed that she shot the woman for making a remark about this being Pennsatucky's fifth abortion. Needless to say, Pennsatucky doesn't react well to being disrespected.

Yoga Jones


Yoga Jones is in the pen for killing a child. She used to be a marijuana farmer, but one day she mistook a child for a deer and shot the boy.

Marisol "Flaca" Gonzales


Flaca's crime is essentially being too smart. She started selling fake drugs at her school, but one of the kids to whom she sold the drugs thought he was really high and committed suicide by jumping off the roof of the school. She was arrested for fraud and endangerment.

Dayanara "Daya" Diaz


Daya's exact crime is unknown, but because of what we've seen of her background, we can assume it's drug-related. She grew up in an abusive environment with her mother, and at one point she slept with her mother's drug-dealer boyfriend to spite her mother.