nimare2 / reddit
“Some people wanted to watch the game, but we only had a printer available.”
ximxoxo / imgur
Student life.
Bag of hot water works nicely.
Tucko29 / reddit
True friendship is beautiful.
Atypicalwomaninia / redditSkyner / pikabu
Using a shower nozzle to prevent fogging up.
Clongjax / redditGhostMonkeyInSpace / redditAlpha2749 / imgur
Nice forkin’ idea.
gorld / reddit
That industrial look is very trendy.
APHTHARTO / redditWuslus / reddit
That’ll teach ya to not hit snooze.
beejuice / pikabu
When you forget to bring the emergency stop sign.
JohannReddit / reddit
“My landlord decided to turn down the heat today in my apartment when it was −40° F. But he must’ve forgotten that I value my comfort over energy conservation.”
DIOGS_ / reddit
Yet another problem solved by wine.
arturoferreiro / twitterEduardo Giovanni / facebook
Working on the fly. Or the train.
rcarney12345 / reddit
When your screen is broke but you gotta respond to bae.
Uinode / reddit
Screw buying a new pencil.
swannygod / reddit
‘Bout to listen to that mixtape.
StaleVeggied / redditPageD0WN / pikabu
When you’re still saving up to replace the screen.
calientevaliente / reddit
“This hero woke himself up from his own snoring, covered his mouth with his scarf, and went back to sleep. All I could hear was a slight rumble after that.”
Good luck, wasps.