Can you cook a fish dinner with LAVA?
Yesterday a video came out that got over 24-million views in ONE day.
So, here’s a quick break-down of the 5-minute video for those planning to use liquid metal to cook their next meal.
Surround a heavy duty gas burning cauldron with dry-ice.
Add thick steel wire from road safety barrier.
Then toss in thin metal twine to speed up the melting process.
Let the melting begin.
Add wood for more heat.
Give that soon-to-be-tasty fish a slice down the middle.
Wrap ‘er in foil.
Use a thick cooking pan.
Bring out the melted metal.
Make sure to wear jogging shoes b/c that’d be safe.
Give the Lava time to cool and harden.
Enter wrapped up fish.
Eventually the cooling/hardened lava will slowly cook the fishy.
Time to eat…will it be good?
Let’s find out.
I’m guessing it taste f’n horrible.
However, if you wanna be part of the millions that watched the video, give it a go.
The internet. Yep, she’s got all the answers to our most un-needed questions.