Guys reveal the best compliment they ever received from a girl (16 Photos)

Guys reveal the best compliment they ever received from a girl (16 Photos)


There was a girl who had my name entered into her phone as “Mmmmmmmmm” -Jaruseleh


21 years old at the orthodontists getting a retainer fixed. Nurse who was probably only a few years older than me told me I had really nice blue eyes, while her fingers are all in my mouth. I’m gonna hold onto that one for awhile. -the_toddfather


A girl I worked with said, “wow, you’re always so positive and optimistic. It’s really nice to work with someone like you”. It made my depressed ass happy and proud. -Jebnasty


I used to be a nude model for a life drawing class in college, and I was told that I have a “pretty” penis. Not impressive in size or girth or anything, but uniform and a nice ratio. -Schrodingers_Nachos


A coworker who I would walk to the bus station with said “I feel safe with you” and as a big hairy dude with resting murder face and a deep voice, that was something absolutely new to me. It’s been 6 years and I still think about that compliment. -tatsuedoa


My closest friend and I have the kind of friendship where we just constantly insult each other. Like honestly she’s attractive. but I’d never say that to her face.

Once she just out of the blue said “dude honestly you’re not ugly at all”

Fucking made my day. -YourSaltSucks


“Your hair has so much body today”

I don’t even know what that means but I know it’s good. -TonyWeinerSays


Once had a group of girls tell me I was charming.

Had another close friend that I gave a lot of shit say that I was very easy to talk to.

I’ve cherished both compliments. -PlasmaPizzaSticks


I often bring flowers from time to time, not just for special occasions but simply to brighten the day.

One girl I was dating said, “You make me feel special every day – and the flowers are beautiful, too.” -Back2Bach


Does my Female Boss count?

“Alcp, if you saw half the people we interview for positions at this company, you’d understand why we’re so excited when we meet someone like you”

That one hit my feels as a young man fresh into the job market. -alcp00


I was in college and walking between classes and decided to get a snack from a vending machine. The girl in front of me put her order in, but the item got stuck against the glass and apparently, she didn’t have anymore and was a tad upset. I stepped up, ordered the item directly above her item, it vended correctly and jarred her item loose in the process. She had a big beaming smile and said “My hero!”. -MeddlingMike


I was paying for a pizza for supper and as the girl at the till was tallying the order she cut herself off mid-sentence to say “Wow your eyes are gorgeous!”

I turned redder than the tomato sauce. -Send_Poems


In a post-breakup argument with my ex, she said “I wish I could tell you you’re a bad person, but you’re not. You’re actually a really great person, but fuck you anyway.”

Thank youuuu. -Hum-anoid


“You’re an amazing and supportive boyfriend.” Right before she dumped me. I still chalk it up to a win. -IssaDatBoiMura

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I’m pretty sure we all remember that one nice compliment the cute girl from Chem class once told us that we’ll never forget. For me, it was in elementary school, I was a fat insecure 6th grader not really getting any attention from the girls. One day on the playground I was playing basketball against the cool kids and the popular girls came to watch. Yes, I was nervous, but in no way did I think I would talk to them. When all of a sudden the prettiest girl in the school mentioned to her friends that I would be super cute when I grow up. Backhanded I know, but I’ll never forget it.

If you have some gems from the past you’d like to share, feel free to post them in the comments below. KCSO!

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