The heart-wrenching life lessons that nobody can prepare you for (16 GIFs)

The heart-wrenching life lessons that nobody can prepare you for (16 GIFs)


We spend our whole lives training in preparation for the challenges that lie ahead. Our teachers, our parents, and our friends all impart nuggets of wisdom that we likely are able to internalize for a slightly less rocky road down the line. But, sadly, sometimes there are life events that we as a species are completely unable to prepare for. And no matter of training will lessen the blows that life’s hardest hits will land on you.

Below are some of life’s heaviest hitters…


The death of a parent. No matter how young/old.



Tyranny of the majority.

In school, if you got a question right that most of the other people got wrong, you were praised for being smart.

In real life, if everyone else around you believes something wrong, it simply becomes right.



“We need to talk”



Finding out your SO is cheating on you.

That sort of betrayal of trust is brutal and even if you suspect something, you still want to believe it’s not true.



Coming to grips with your own mortality. It just hits you someday that you’re going to die, and eventually will be forgotten.

Aint nobody ready for that.



Childbirth. I just had my daughter five days ago. I thought I was prepared for labor, but holy s*it, back labor is the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my entire life. No amount of mental preparation would have made me ready for that. On the plus, my husband finally won the argument of two kids (our daughter is his second) vs. three kids. Because I’m never doing that shit again.

Also, the never-ending anxiety of “can I keep a completely vulnerable and fragile human alive today”?



Realizing that making and keeping friends is extremely hard. People drift apart pretty easy.



The first time you go to jail. Aside from the ‘oh shit’ feeling you have about whatever landed you there, there’s the realization that you can’t leave. It sounds really obvious, but think about it: in the vast majority of places and situations you find yourself in, you can leave. It might not be wise, it might not be right, and it might have consequences, but you have that option.

You’re used to having so many possibilities in your day to day that you don’t really think about it. Until it gets taken away. You mostly get used to it with time, but nobody is prepared the first time.



The lifestyle change from becoming a full-time student to full-time worker. It’s been a year, I feel as if I’m still adjusting.



Unexpected layoffs. You’ll never feel safe at work ever again!