The amazing things that dog noses can sense (7 Photos)

The amazing things that dog noses can sense (7 Photos)

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With 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses (humans have up to 6 million), dog noses do a lot more than look adorable. In fact, there are certain things that dogs can pick up with their noses that are simply mind-blowing Here are a few.


Changes in the glucose blood level

Studies have confirmed that dogs have the ability to smell a drop in glucose level in the blood. How? They can identify the change in smell via our sweat. Dogs also study changes in our behaviour to recognize a drop in glucose level.

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Doctors say that damaged cells (through cancer) can produce a specific protein that dogs can pick up with their noses. Studies show that dogs have the insane ability to detect lung cancer just by smelling someone’s breath. Through particular scents in urine, they can also detect prostate and bladder cancer. There is also evidence that dogs are able to reliably sense skin cancer as well.



While they obviously use their eyes (as people o) to identify others, dogs mainly use their sense of smell to differentiate people from others. Scientists even say that dogs are able to recognize a familiar person even when their scents are covered up with things like perfume.

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Epileptic seizures

Studies confirmed that dogs can detect a seizure up to 45 minutes before it happens! They are able to do this by detected a scent that the body releases prior to a seizure. When they notice this, they will bark and try and grab your attention- provided they’ve been given the training.

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Interaction with other dogs

You know when you play with another dog and then come home to yours and as it is sniffing you you’re like “Ohh do ya smell the other dog on me?” Well, it does. Other things the dog can figure out are: Which breed the other dog was, the size of it, and its health. INSANE!

7the-amazing-things-that-dog-noses-can-sense-photos-7.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=600Gina Jie Sam Foek /Pexels


Dogs can sense even the earliest stages of pregnancy because of all of the hormone changes your body goes through. When these changes occur, different scents come out of your body that your furry little friend will pick up before any pregnancy test will.

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Not only do dogs have an incredible sensitivity to eomagnetic fields and vibrations, they are also able to sense the slightest change in the air due to an impending storm.




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