People reveal the creepiest facts they know (23 Photos)

People reveal the creepiest facts they know (23 Photos)


Have some gems perfect for this gallery? Follow us on Instagram to stay notified of all the callouts we post. That’s where we pull most of these answers from.

Feel free to include some in the comments section and I’ll be sure to add some of the best ones.


As a professional in the death care industry one fact I learned is suicide is more likely before the holidays and just after them just before spring. This is due to people who can’t bear to feel how they do for one more holiday they just can’t put on the mask of “being well” anymore and for the post-holiday deaths, they just wanna give there loved ones some more happy time before it’s gone. Or don’t wanna ruin the holidays by their actions. So please keep an eye on your loved ones being unwell is not always hard to spot sometimes all it takes is one good deed for a total stranger to change and save a life. -zackepitaph


Bed bugs can impregnate another bed bug by injecting their penis straight into their abdomen, if the victim happens to be male, that male will now be impregnating another female with another male’s sperm -bootbootyrockn

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The Turritopsis Dohrnii jellyfish is officially known as the only immortal creature in the world. -thaddeusaur_nom


Really bad shit can be happening right next door to you, yes even in your neighborhood! -dfdjavy


The total weight of all the ants on the planet is greater than the total weight of all the humans on the planet. -theotherdlr


If you’re attacked by a bear it won’t try to kill you like other predators would, it’ll just start eating. -bandido_chris


Full time hair dressers eat 5 pounds of hair a year. -scissordolly


We are always at least 4 feet from a spider at all times. -kdaylow34


Electric hand dryers blow poop dust all over your freshly washed hands. -rolandjuicebishop


The human body can’t metabolize meth, so it comes out in urine, if you run out said meth, you can drink your meth piss and get high.
YouTube “this isn’t happening – meth piss” -rolandjuicebishop


If you are alone in the woods and the crickets stop cherping… You’re not alone anymore. -youneedtorelaxbro


Every hand you’ve ever touched has had a wiener in it at some point. -alex.grizzle.1


If you ever fall through the ice and can’t find your breakthrough spot, there’s about 1-2” of air between the top of the water and ice layer. -alynnlala


Females giraffes when ready to mate piss in the male’s mouth to let him know. -yingling11


When someone is buried in a metal casket, their body liquifies inside over time and turns into a toxic sludge. –

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