Neil Armstrong Walked on the Moon Nearly 50 Years Ago. Do You Remember That Day?

Neil Armstrong Walked on the Moon Nearly 50 Years Ago. Do You Remember That Day?

When Neil Armstrong stepped off his Apollo 11 lunar module nearly 50 years ago, the world was watching. Hundreds of millions of people, glued to the grainy images on their television sets, absorbed Armstrong’s every move. A new film, “First Man,” tells the story of the moon landing — the danger and the triumph — from Armstrong’s perspective.

Imagemerlin_143111565_6805b573-5d96-4a17-826c-9da1cc481ba7-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscaleCreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images

For those of us who remember that day, the danger was real. This wasn’t prerecorded, scripted or a re-enactment. This really was reality TV. My story? My siblings and I were enthralled (see the photo above — that’s me on the floor). My dad, camera fixed on the television, wanted to capture a historic event; my mom, her camera on us, caught the wonder of that moment.

What did it mean to you? We’d like to hear your memories of watching the first man step onto the moon’s surface.

We may publish a selection of the responses.

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