Infinity War" Guys, Ranked By Thirst

Infinity War" Guys, Ranked By Thirst

Crystal: Doctor Strange seems like he’d be kind of annoying? Like, can you imagine going on a date with him and he spends half the time just trying to foresee all the possible outcomes of the date, and which one would lead to him getting laid? IDK! That being said, I do find him kind of attractive, so…it’s not a total loss? 7/10

Jenna: I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time for Doctor Strange. At all. He’s got the arrogance and ridiculous facial hair of Tony Stark, but with none of the charm. It doesn’t help that I find his outfit ridiculous, and his movie incredibly boring. He was tolerable in Infinity War, but I don’t know, I’m not a fan. 1/10

Thirst level: 4/10

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